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NDS and Pace Collaborate to Offer Secure VOD and IPTV Solution.

NDS Group (www.nds.com) and Pace Micro Technology ( www.pace.co.uk), a developer of digital home gateway technology, announced they have joined forces to develop secure video on demand (VOD) and IP Television.

The joint solution utilizes Pace's DSL4000 digital home gateway which will decode encrypted VOD and IP Television delivered from NDS's Synamedia solution. The companies state that valuable video content will be encrypted, using encryption provided by the Open VideoGuard content protection system, to prevent it being freely distributed over broadband IP networks.

The NDS Synamedia architecture delivers encrypted, digital TV and VOD over ADSL or other broadband networks, by extending NDS's XTV personal TV system to support broadband IP networks and VOD servers.

"Content protection is vital to the success of any pay entertainment platform, and VOD and IP television are no exceptions," said Andrew Clifforth, managing director IP television at Pace Micro Technology. "Our partnership with NDS, combining their Synamedia solution with our DSL4000 home gateway is an effective solution for secure content distribution over DSL networks. Content providers can have even more confidence in IP television, which I'm sure will mark a new phase in the growth of entertainment over IP."

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